Electronic Auctions: Role of Visibility Settings in Transparency Analysis

Radovan Dráb (1), Radoslav Delina (2), Tomáš Štofa (3)
(1) Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
(2) Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia,
(3) Technical University of Kosice


Purpose: Main objective of the paper is to assess whether the auctions issuers have changed their preferences regarding the auction transparency described through the visibility settings, and to asses which and to what extent had the other auction parameters impact on the auction transparency and also to assess the effect of the transparency onto the achieved auction savings.

Methodology/Approach: The paper analyses sample records of 5,000 electronic auctions of SR and CR auction issuers on the time frame of 2009-2016, using methods of higher statistics. An composite index for transparency analysis has been developed and assessed. Two standalone regression models were applied to analyse the papers hypotheses regarding the transparency and auctions’ savings.

Findings: The size of the auction described does not have a significant effect on the transparency settings, but the auction complexity does. The most saving generating visibility settings is the visible order of the participants and the visibility of the other measurements settings for the auctions. Increasing the auction complexity can decrease the generated saving by an average 9.3%.

Research Limitation/implication: Research was based on real secondary data from one electronic auction provider. The results are limited to the features enabled on this electronic platform. Results show that the application of visibility setting in auctions can generate additional benefits like savings, but also has to be applied carefully when assessing the transparency.

Originality/Value of paper: The analysis and results based on real secondary data are scare in the current research area, therefore is this article a valued contribution.

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Radovan Dráb
radovan.drab@tuke.sk (Primary Contact)
Radoslav Delina
Tomáš Štofa
Author Biographies

Radovan Dráb, Technical University of Kosice

Ing. Radovan Dráb, PhD. Graduated at the Faculty of Economics at Technical University of Košice. In 2011 has received his PhD. in Finance at the Faculty of Economics TUKE defending his dissertation on the topic: Economic Aspects of reputation mechanism in electronic procurement. Between 2012 - 2016 he worked at the Department of Economics and Management of Public Administration of the Faculty of Public Administration at UPJŠ, where he focused his interests on public finance, decision-making methods and the issues of public procurement. As part of his research he mainly focuses on public finances, socio-economic aspects of trust and its mechanisms in e-procurement and e-commerce itself. As part of his research he participated as an investigator but also as a manager of several international projects: DEN4DEK, IdentIT, MOVES IRES RIFiV, KASSETTS. He currently works at the Faculty of Economics at TUKE.

Radoslav Delina, Technical University of Kosice

Radoslav Delina, PhD., Assoc. prof. at the Faculty of Economics Technical University of Kosice. He is member of EU RTD Evaluation Network under Horizon2020 under DG Research and Innovation. He is national expert and correspondent for eBusiness w@tch - the Initiative of European Commission and other initiatives as eWork, Construst, e-Skills For The 21st Century, etc. He is focusing his activities on the research in the field of Information Society and the information and communication technology (ICT) impact on different socio-economic domains. Radoslav participated and coordinated number of international research and educational projects (FPx, H2020, CE OP, LdV,…) in the field of electronic networking, eCooperation, eServices. e-mail: radoslav.delina@tuke.sk

Tomáš Štofa, Technical University of Kosice

Tomáš Štofa is PhD. Student at Technical University of Košice at department of Banking and Investment. He successfully finished master degree program at Faculty of Economics of Technical University of Košice. As a young researcher, his areas of interest are mainly alternative forms of business financing, e-auctions and procurement.
Dráb, R., Delina, R., & Štofa, T. (2018). Electronic Auctions: Role of Visibility Settings in Transparency Analysis. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 22(2), 100–111. https://doi.org/10.12776/qip.v22i2.1059

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