Juraj Tej, Peter Živčák, Viktória Ali Taha, Michaela Sirkova


Purpose: This main aim of the study is to examine the crisis (emergency) awareness of the population (forming an integral part of overall crisis preparedness) and its role in crisis management. Frequency and impact of emergencies and disasters in recent years induce the need for effective crisis management. Although it is impossible to prevent disasters from happening, it is possible to have control over prevention and local actors' preparedness.

Methodology/Approach: Primary data collection was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey which monitors the overall crisis awareness among the population of Kosice district, specifically awareness of concepts related to crisis management and actions within collective protection of the population. For the analysis have been chosen three areas related to crisis management processes in terms of collective protection at the discretion of local self-governments, namely evacuation, hygiene, and communication.

Findings: The results showed relatively good but still not sufficient level of population awareness about concepts related to crisis management and public (civil) protection activities. In response to the survey results are conceived proposals and recommendations.

Research Limitation/implication: In Slovakia, the issue of crisis management is most elaborated in the business area, the area of public administration lags behind. Examination of crisis (emergency) preparedness is not the current practice in our country.

Originality/Value of paper: The originality and value of the study lies in the fact that it conceptually develops a theoretical framework for monitoring and assessment of residents' crisis awareness and evaluating effectiveness of crisis communication within self-government. The study represents one of the rare attempts to find out how residents of large cities (with increased population density) currently perceive the necessity of knowledge in the field of crisis management.


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Juraj Tej
Peter Živčák
Viktória Ali Taha
Michaela Sirkova (Primary Contact)
Author Biographies

Juraj Tej, University of Presov in Presov Faculty of Management Department of Management

Department of Management

Associate Professor

Peter Živčák, University of Presov in Presov Faculty of Management Department of Management

Department of Management

External PhD student

Viktória Ali Taha, University of Presov in Presov Faculty of Management Department of Management

Department of Management

Assistant Professor

Michaela Sirkova, University of Presov in Presov Faculty of Management Department of Management

Department of Management

Assistant Professor

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